The Netherlands Film Production Incentive
Since May 2014, the Netherlands has a new film production incentive scheme. This scheme is based on a system of cash rebate. An incentive to promote a healthy film production environment in the Netherlands, with the aim to reinforce the international competitive position of the Dutch film industry in the future. The financial contributions are intended to increase the attractiveness for both national and foreign film productions, to stimulate the production activity of creative and technical film professionals and encourage talent and diversity within the Dutch film production.
Holland Film Services can help you with gaining access to this new incentive.
Find out more about the incentive via this link to the official website.
Get a 30% cash rebate on your feature film
Cash rebate of 30% on Dutch spend.
Up to 1 million euro per production.
Minimum spending requirement of 100.000 euros.
Open to feature films and feature-length animated films with a budget of at least 1 million euros.
Open to feature length documentaries with a budget of at least 250.000 euros.